Git commnets
git commands:
>git status .
To know diff old patch and new
>git diff nv_memory_driver/ftl/src/ftl_test_interface.c
To create the branch with UTP
>bee startsms . <UTP Name>
>bee startsms .
git add -A --> stages All
git add . --> stages new and modified, without deleteds
git add -u --> stages modified and deleted, without new
git diff <file>
git diff --staged
git diff --check --> for checking the white space error
> grep -rnsi
git diff at_router/src/at_router.c
grep -rnis "PCL_PAD_I2C1_SCL" board_fih* | grep 125
clean: untracked files
git clean -f -d or git clean -fd -------------------------> To remove directories
git clean -f -X or git clean -fX -------------------------> To remove ignored files
git log --author=="kponnojx"
bee commit --amend .
git mv <old_name> <new name>
git mv <old_name> <directory/new_name>
git checkout -- <filename>
git checkout -- at_router/src/at_router.c
bee forall -p 'git reset --hard M2_7360_01.1723_DB07'
git reset --hard M2_7360_01.1723_DB07
bee commit .
bee upload .
dos to unix conv
dos2unix mhw_drv_src/core_drivers/inc/board_fbc_7260_v2_lc_rev_1_0/pcl_driverif_cfg.h
file <filename>
git apply --check --whitespace=fix pcl.patch
git apply --reject --whitespace=fix pcl.patch
bee commit --amend .
bee upload .
bee commit .
bee upload .
$ git commit : to commit changes
$ git branch name : to create a branch
$ git checkout name : to checkout a branch
$ git merge name : To merge new branch with current brach
$ git rebase name : To goto the new commit label
git config color.diff.whitespace "red reverse"
while using bee sync -j32 if we get any error..
simplely go to that directory
git status.
it will show list of untraced files.
git checkout -- (space) <filename>
then bee sync -j32
find -iname "rpcu_shim_xg746_reg.h"
grep -Rn "name"
set num
after cherry pick the changes verify with "git log " commads
for create a path
git add .
git commit .
git format-patch -1
git reset --hard HEAD^1 --> 1 head will be removed
git reset --hard <commit id>
git apply --reject --whitespace=fix <patch>
create Dummy gerrit
create brach ( using bee startsms ) and switch to it
check white space
git add .
bee commit --amend . ( if want to creat new patch on same gerrit link )
bee commit .
bee upload . --> if asked for track, give yes .
merget to 2 commit
git format-patch <latest_commit>
git reset --hard <latest_commit>
git log
patch -p1 < your.patch
git status
rebase with new ws
115 19:07 mkdir CMM_Coverag
116 19:08 cd CMM_Coverag/
117 19:09 bee init -b rel12/development
118 19:09 bee sync -j32 /modem/infra_layer/core
119 19:10 bee sync -j32 modem/infra_layer/core
120 19:10 clear
121 19:10 cd platform_sw/infra_layer/core/
122 19:10 git log
123 19:10 clear
124 19:12 git fetch ssh://kponnojx@opticm6/modem/infra_layer/core refs/changes/52/456852/7 && git format-patch -1 FETCH_HEAD
125 19:12 git apply --reject 0001-Inconsistency-CMM-Code-Coverage.patch
126 19:12 git status
127 19:12 vim test/adapter/dma/target/dma_gti.c.rej
128 19:13 vim test/adapter/dma/target/dma_gti.c
129 19:14 git status
130 19:14 git diff test/adapter/dma/target/dma_gti.c
131 19:15 rm -rf 0001-Inconsistency-CMM-Code-Coverage.patch
132 19:15 rm -rf test/adapter/dma/target/dma_gti.c.rej
133 19:15 git status
134 19:15 git diff test/adapter/dma/target/dma_gti.c
135 19:15 git add .
136 19:15 git status
137 19:15 bee commit .
138 19:16 git branch CMM_Coverage
139 19:17 git branch
140 19:17 git checkout CMM_Coverage
141 19:17 git status
142 19:17 bee commit .
143 19:19 bee track CMM_Coverage
144 19:19 bee upload .
145 20:26 history
gitk <file>-->
git commit --> will not create path on old gerrit link
bee commit --> will create patch on old gerrit link
git log <file>
git diff > my_file_name.diff
git diff > <patch_name.patch>
merge confclits
git diff <file>
vim <file>
git add
git cherrrpick --continue
git show a8359ee23b35fcc55bab3adb93914f51b5e4e91e
git format-patch -1 HEAD --stdout > 0001-last-commits.patch
vim 0001-last-commits.patch
git reset --hard HEAD^1
patch -p1 < 0001-last-commits.patch
patch -p1 --dry-run </local/kponnojx/diff/0001-last-commits.patch
dummy gerrit
1. bee sync
2. git branch
3. git cherry-pick --> cherry-pick chanage from the gerrit
4. git status (if u got merge confclits edit the file and added )
5. vim test/service/cmm/target/cmm_test_interface.c
6. git add test/service/cmm/target/cmm_test_interface.c
7. git cherry-pick --continue
8. git log
9. patch -p1 </local/kponnojx/diff/0001-last-commits.patch
10.git status
11.git add .
12.git status
13.bee commit --amend . (will create new patch on top off the previous patch and add patch info)
14.bee upload
15. after few minture will get notification
git branch
430 git reset --hard HEAD^1
431 git log
432 clear
433 git fetch ssh://kponnojx@opticm6/modem/infra_layer/core refs/changes/07/471407/5 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
434 git status
435 vim test/service/cmm/target/cmm_test_interface.c
436 git add test/service/cmm/target/cmm_test_interface.c
437 git cherry-pick --continue
438 git log
439 patch -p1 </local/kponnojx/diff/0001-last-commits.patch
440 git status
441 git add .
442 git status
443 bee commit --amend .
444 bee upload
git blame <file_name> -> to find each line modification history
git show --check --> to check whitespace in the commit
455 14:57 git log
456 14:58 git checkout f735ba95dbf7e1b5b59521e44c3c238a4a076efa -- adapter/system_adapter/src/modem/core_os.c
457 14:58 git status
458 14:59 git reset HEAD adapter/system_adapter/src/modem/core_os.c
459 14:59 git status
460 14:59 git diff
461 14:59 clear
462 15:01 git checkout f735ba95dbf7e1b5b59521e44c3c238a4a076efa interface/service/cmm/uta_cmm.h
463 15:01 git status
464 15:01 git clean -fd
465 15:01 git status
466 15:01 git reset HEAD interface/service/cmm/uta_cmm.h
467 15:02 git status
468 15:02 git diff
469 15:02 git diff --check
git diff mybranch rel12/development ---> list of changes with the original repo
git diff <previous_commet> . -> compare the cherr-pick(with local changes)
git apply --check --whitespace=fix <patch file> //to check if patch can be applied
git apply --reject --whitespace=fix <patch file> //to apply patch and reject hunks which cant be applied
Git Publick Kery Gen:
ssh -V
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<comment>
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