8051 is an 8-bit processor, which means it can do an 8-bit operation at a time. ARM is a 32-bit processor, which can do the 32-bit operation at a time, four times powerful than 8051. ARM 7 (Advanced Risc Machine) 32-bit processor 32-bit ALU (arithmetic logic unit) 32-bit data bus there are 4 banks in the memory and every data is aligned, it will be stored at an address multiple of 4 (i.e last 2 bits of the address will always be zero) 32-bit instruction (RISC ) Every instruction will have the same size (32 bit). Every instruction will fetch in one cycle. All the instruction will be stored in the aligned form. 32-bit Address bus: It will allow access up to 4GB. Von Neuman model Says only one memory, in which all program will store and data will also store. 3 stage pipeline Fetch Decode Execute 37 Registers - 32-bit Each By which 16 available at a time (R0 ... R15) Load store Model to add, subtract or any other operation, load t...